Reduced Cannery Prices

I purchase much of my food storage basics from our local LDS Cannery or Home Storage Center.  Home Storage Centers are located in many areas around the world, and typically have the best prices for wheat, beans, rice, etc..  The LDS Church had previously welcomed members and non-members alike to walk in to the centers, but then (I was told) there was a lawsuit that opposed the Church for offering these items to everyone at such good prices.  Sam’s Club saw them as competition.  So the Church was forced to only sell to members, or those accompanied by an LDS Church member (the lawsuit allowed for the centers to be used as a “missionary opportunity.”) So, everyone is still welcome but if you are not LDS, you will need to contact either an LDS friend or call the number for your local Home Storage Center and ask for the name of the Ward Preparedness person in your area.  This person can accompany you to the Center and teach you how to use the facility.  To see if there is one near you, click here.  Food storage items can also be purchased in #10 cans online here. I typically purchase my food storage items in bulk bags or cases from the Home Storage Center and then borrow the canner and can them in the #10 cans at home.  With young children, it’s hard for me to find time to can at the Center.  This way I’m able to can until midnight at home if I choose.

If you haven’t been to the Cannery in awhile, you’ll be excited to know that nearly all of the prices have decreased, some by nearly 30%. Below are links to the current price list and a helpful spreadsheet that shows the price changes for each product.



2 thoughts on “Reduced Cannery Prices”

  1. Holy cow! Those really ARE reduced prices – across the board! These are comparable to 2005 prices. (In 2008 the cost of milk was over $13!) So I’m so excited that I’m going to go can milk this week. Yay! Now I am thinking I need to stock up on some other things while I’m there too. Thanks!

  2. One thing to consider regarding the shelf-life of “regular” canned foods, twice in our history, canned foods have been found that were over 100 years old — and found to be both edible, and in our case, nutritious. (This was when canning of foods was a 10-year-old industry.)

    You can find this history at

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