Black Bean Brownies

I know, it sounds…awful.  I still had to try it.  I had seen this recipe on another food storage blog and I was intrigued.  I like to make my recipes healthier, so I figured it was a least worth a try.  Surprise!  They’re actually quite decent, and basically void of fat..until you add ice cream to the top. And, they’re pumped with fiber.  Our taste testers agreed that the texture is more cakelike than typical box brownies, (our friend called them “bready”), but they were fudgy and had no hint of bean flavor.  It’s food storage at it’s finest! Here is the simple recipe.

Just two ingredients + water.
Just two ingredients + water.
Brownie with peppermint ice cream and chocolate sauce.
Brownie with peppermint ice cream and chocolate sauce.


1 box brownie mix

1 can black beans

Drain and rinse beans and return to can.  Fill the can to the top with water. Pour water and beans into a blender or food processor and puree until you can no longer see anything that looks like a bean. Combine puree with dry brownie mix and mix well.  Bake per brownie package directions.

3 thoughts on “Black Bean Brownies”

  1. I was reading the black bean brownies are one of weight watchers recipes that are 2 points per brownie, cut at their portion size.

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