Food Storage Snack Mix

Food storage makes great snacks!
Food storage makes great snacks!

I like to accustom my family to food storage products by incorporating them into our regular meals and snacks.  Banana slices  work great for this.  They are ready for nibbling straight from the can, and provide a sweet crunchy fruit snack. I like to put a variety of finger food ingredients in jars (like cereal, pretzels, dried banana slices, dried cherries, and chocolate chips) and let my kids create their own snack mixes. They love being able to personalize their mixes, and I love the opportunity to make healthy foods fun.

I order my dried banana slices and other dried fruit through Alison’s Pantry.  Actually, I order my chocolate chips there too.  They have great prices on bulk packaging so I end up ordering much of what I use there.

8 thoughts on “Food Storage Snack Mix”

  1. Today I am dehydrating Apples! Yea.. along with making applesauce sweetened and unsweetened.

    I agree if the kids… or myself have healthy snacks readily available, the better off we all are! I love the idea of mix and match 🙂 Thanks for the idea!

  2. I’m munching on freeze dried banana slices and nuts all the time. Great organization in the Mason jars — you could seal them up and store them for years with a FoodSaver! That’s exactly what I do with my M&Ms 🙂

  3. I do! I love the jar attachment for my vacuum sealer, and use it on all my dry goods to drastically extend their shelf-life.

  4. When looking at the nutritional label on dried fruits that I buy at the store, I always notice that vitamins A and C are always listed as no value.

    Do freeze dried foods keep their nutritional values, or do they just become ‘healthier’ calories?

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